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Cindy Cai Realty LLC
Carlisle, MA 01741

Phone: (508) 423-5722
Fax: 508-803-8688
Email: ccai856@gmail.com

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Cindy Cai Realty LLC 鑫地置业有限公司
Residential, Condominium, Land and Property Management
The Designated REALTOR® of Greater Boston Real Estate Board
Member of National Association of REALTORS®

Welcome to Cindy Cai Realty. I am here to help you on your real estate needs, and looking forward to working with you on your real estate search journey.

I have been working full time in Real Estate since 2009. I speak fluent Chinese and English. Before I became a real estate professional, I worked in the high tech industry as a software engineer for 17 years. So I am very computer savvy and have strong analytical skills. This will really help when it comes to a real estate search and research the market and marketing your property. And with the technical background, I can help to market your home with the best of the technology available

Here are a few things that my clients said about me....

Rhea and Jun from Sudbury, October 2022
We highly recommend Cindy who helped us purchase our new home in a super-hot market(2021-2022) and sold our old house smoothly as well. We feel extremely blessed to have Cindy as our agent.

Purchase of the house:
Cindy was extremely detail-oriented during numerous open houses. She would honestly tell us the possible issues a house may have (e.g., cracks in foundation, windows, etc.) and we would never notice these issues by ourselves. She was very patient with us for more than one year and half during the whole purchase process. She never pushed us for deals, but always left room for us to make our own decisions. Her recommendation of purchase prices for the homes we looked at were always reasonable. She never recommended giving “insane” offers (overbidding prices, waiving of inspections, etc.), even though the market was crazy, and we may end up not getting the house. When I looked back on the purchase experience, I felt extremely grateful that I did not over bid for houses that were not worth the prices based on Cindy’s suggestion. During the negotiation process, Cindy demonstrated her exceptional negotiation skills to help us get the house during a competitive bidding process. In addition, she offered excellent after-purchase services such as contractors, loan agent, landscaping, and advice on how to maintain the house. We will highly recommend Cindy to anyone who wants to buy or sell a house.

Selling of the house:
Right after our offer for our new house was accepted, Cindy started to prepare putting our old home on market. The property was sold in a week with multiple offers and sold at a price we were very satisfied with. She helped us stage the house without using any expensive staging companies. She brought in her own decorations to make our home much more beautiful. She recommended good contractors who did great work and charged reasonably to prepare our house for selling. She set clear deadlines for remodeling, cleaning, staging, and photographing. In the bidding process, Cindy demonstrated her extraordinary negotiation skills, and the final price was higher than our expectation. The whole process was extremely smooth. All in all, I really appreciate Cindy’s work and it is my great pleasure to have Cindy as our listing agent.

April from Cambridge MA, June 2022
Cindy is absolutely instrumental in helping me find my home! I started looking at homes without really knowing what I want or the reasonable amount to spend, and Cindy was always there to provide professional advice and cool me down when I want to spurge for a home (she's always right!). I'm extremely happy with my final purchase, which satisfied all of my bucket list items with a very reasonable price--now that is very difficult to find in a competitive real estate market. She also kindly offered to help us with the home even after the deal had closed. I have recommended Cindy to many of my friends who are renting and/or buying, and would encourage anyone looking for a home to contact her. With her warm personality and expertise, Cindy is definitely the person to go to when you're looking for your next dream home.

Xiao Qing from Wellesley, June 2022

第一次认识Cindy是在2015年,当时并没有确定要在波村安营扎寨,就着来美国玩耍的机会想顺便了解一下房产市场。在这种情况下,通过朋友介绍我们认识了Cindy。对于我们这些走马观花的游客,Cindy花了3整天全程陪同:做了city tour,参观了两大名校,有针对性的看了几套在售房,各个小town她如数家珍,对我们进行了全面扫盲。但是,我当时并没有对她的名片做特别备注。就这样到了2017年,因为有了第一次的接触,我隐约记得她有两个特别优秀的孩子,打着选址的旗号,我又开始跟Cindy接洽,详细咨询孩子教育事宜。自此一发不可收拾….. Cindy向我们展示了她的专业素养和热情好客。随着我们沟通的逐渐顺畅,接下来就变得水到渠成:我们移民下来,仓促来美东购房,她带我们用一周的时间选定了知名的Wellesley小镇;用非常诱人的价格在open house之前敲定房子。特别让我们感动的是,在我们仅剩的留美时间里,Cindy又带着我们购买了必要的家具。那之后,房子所有事情她都一人扛下,从脑力劳动到体力劳动;从房子签约、房检、收房,到窗帘定制安装、家具验货安装;连孩子入学手续她都替我们发邮件询问清楚。当我们一家四口在买房一个月后再次正式登陆美国的时候,当我们迈入我们即将生活6年的新家的时候,要说不感谢Cindy那都是假的,这是我们在美国拥有的充满全部希望的第一个住所!Cindy就像我家的警察阿姨、百科全书,对我们初来乍到的各种不方便以及遇到的大小问题,一个电话过去,她就能游刃有余的帮忙解决,实在解决不了的,她还会亲临现场!现在我们已经成为好朋友,有事没事聊两句,看看朋友圈点个赞,顺便说一句,他老公的厨艺不是盖的。哈哈哈,最后也借这个机会,再次向Cindy表示感谢,废话不说,以后买房还找你,省心放心!

Bo from Cambridge MA, June 2022
5 Stars! It was very pleasant to work with Cindy to get our Cambridge apartment. It was the perfect process. We almost got a not-so-perfect choice, Cindy stayed on the top of the market information, we got an ideal choice in last minute. Her knowledge helped us to make decisions on the best price, the best interest rate and the best mortgage company. The process was smooth and quick. Thanks again, Cindy.

Jason from Lexington MA, May 2022
Cindy helped me find my dream house a few years ago, and looking back it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Cindy is very professional, knowledgeable, and reliable. Everything went smoothly thanks to her and I was able to make the purchase at a very reasonable price. Would definitely recommend her services.

芳华 from Cambridge, March 2022

Sherry from Lexington MA
It has been a year and half since we moved from Westford to Lexington, we have been really happy with our new house and Lexington, a town full of history, friendly neighborhood, great schools and close proximity to Boston and Cambridge. For all these, we are grateful of our broker and friend Cindy Cai for her help in landing us the ideal house at Lexington and selling our house in Westford as smoothly as possible.

Buying in Lexington

Lexington has always been an attractive place to live, therefore a fairly competitive market for buyers. It helps tremendously that Cindy is very familiar with the town, the available houses and the market. Before we engaged Cindy, we went to some open houses on weekends and noticed that fair priced houses at Lexington got sold very quickly. Since my husband and I were both working at the time, we really needed someone who had seen all the available houses out there and would be able to help us find the right house and close the deal quickly.

Cindy was the right person to help us with her quick understanding of what we want and the superior local housing market knowledge. Before we started the house hunting, we sit down and went through all the things we are looking for in the new house: size, style, convenience for commute, proximity to schools, neighborhood, safety, noise level and price range. Once we synced up on what we are looking for, Cindy started to send us potential houses for us to review and get familiar with the market.

Once we picked out a few houses, Cindy set up appointments for us right away. She also added a few houses that she thought we would like to the hunting tour, some for benchmarking purpose and some just to show us the neighborhood and options. One sunny Saturday, we went on a tour of 12 houses in Lexington. We were very impressed with Cindy when she was able to point out the pros and cons of each house we visit quickly. She noticed details such as gaps in the floor tiles and slight tilting of floor level, which we would never find on our own during the overwhelming first visit. It turned out she had either shown these houses before or gone to visit them before hand so that she knew them inside out.

As it turned out, we really liked the first house we visited in the house hunt, something Cindy picked out for us because she felt that it matched what we described as an ideal house. Immediately, she arranged for us to visit the house which was under construction at the time and a few comparable houses in the neighborhood to give us the opportunity to compare and be sure about our pick.

As always, we liked everything about the new house except for the price, which was a little bit above what we wanted to spend. Speaking perfect English, Cindy was able to negotiate with the American selling agent and the house builder effectively. She was also very creative in asking for credits for building a potential fence for the yard, which brought down the price further. All in all, we were able to negotiate close to $50,000 off the original asking price.

Once we closed the negotiation, Cindy was very efficient and resourceful in arranging inspectors, lawyer and mortgage broker. We were able to find our dream home at Lexington thanks to Cindy’s thorough understanding of our needs, her mastery of local housing markets and availabilities, her attention to details, her honesty and her ability to negotiate and close the deal on our behalf. We are very happy with the buying experience and would recommend Cindy to all our friends.

Selling in Westford

Comparing to buying a new house, selling an old one is a lot more work. It took months of fixing the house, staging the house, marketing and hosting open house and picking the right offer. Again, Cindy was an intelligent, dedicated and resourceful partner in selling our old house in Westford.

Westford is a lovely town, but its housing market is not as hot as the one in Lexington. The key in selling an old house in such a market is to price it right. Too low, you leave money on the table. Too high, you cannot sell quickly and waste money maintaining the place. So before we put the house on the market, Cindy took us to visit some comparable houses in town. She picked a couple of similar homes on the market and did a detailed comparison report. Based on the data, she analyzed the pros and cons of our house and suggested a price range for putting it on the market.

Cindy knew contractors who can fix problems in the house. She introduced them to us and made sure they fixed the critical issues that buyers are likely to pay attention to. To sell our house, we repainted the entire house. Cindy knew what most buyers like and made very good suggestions in picking the right colors for all the rooms.

Cindy also has very good taste in decorating the house. Cindy leveraged what we had and even brought some flowers and china for us. Once the house was fully staged, it looked more beautiful than ever and we were wondering why we would sell it at all.

Cindy and her husband came over and took pictures with their brand-new professional camera. Then she put the nice photos and professional descriptions in a beautiful marketing brochure that was available both on-line and in print.

Once all the preparation is done, Cindy launched the house into the market and started to host open houses on weekends. Because of all the good works, we had a lot of visitors at the open houses as well as appointments to see the house.

Once we had a couple of buyers, Cindy was there to diligently checking the financial viabilities of all potential buyers. She negotiated with all of them effectively, using the demand to get as much as possible from the interested parts.

After a few months of hard work, we finally sold our Westford home and moved on with our new live in Lexington. Buying and selling houses can be daunting and hard at times, but with Cindy as a guide, a helper and a good partner, the whole process for us was quite smooth for us.

Charles and Sandra from Carlisle, MA
The sunset at the cranberry bog in Carlisle is so breathtaking. Every time my family takes a walk here after dinner, we think how lucky we are to find this neighborhood as our new home. Many thanks to our realtor, Cindy, you are the BEST!

Two years ago, when my wife and I decided to move to MA after living in NH for more than ten years, we really didn’t know much about the house market of Boston Metro West. But after meeting Cindy, we know we are in the good hand. We started our search at Lexington. Every week, she found many suitable homes and took us to the open house as long as we had time. We were very impressed by her swiftness and being flexible to accommodate our busy schedule. Even though we couldn’t find any home there, Cindy quickly figured out what we really likes. She invited us to check the houses in Carlisle knowing that the town character just like the NH town we had lived. And she was right, within two weeks, we found this dream house we now live.

The buying negotiation and whole transaction can be a very painful process. However, Cindy's great personality and her excellent skill to work with seller made the whole thing so effortless. All the issues were solved with satisfactions from both seller and us. And we got over $10K price reduction through the process.

My wife and I really appreciate what Cindy had done for us, and highly recommend her to anyone who wants to buy a house in Boston metro west.

Max from Lexington MA
We’ve decided on relating to the Boston Metro from Los Angeles in March, and due to whatever that was going on, there was no way for us to come here and really do the research for housing. At that time, we know we are going to work in Cambridge, but that it, we knew nobody, well a few, my wife spent a year in Cambridge for her masters, but we didn’t really know anything about the real estate, housing, traffic, school system about the area.
So we found Cindy in May, told her we wanted a good neighborhood, our budget, and our main concern regarding commuting time. From our conversation with her, we noticed her knowledge for the market, and the areas, but what made her difference is her engineer way of problem solving. The way she communicate with us to find out our priorities, list the pro/cons, and etc. Since I could not really come to town a lot from the west coast to view listings, she would go to open houses, and go through listings, and would give me phone or email update on houses that she found was interesting. By the first month of June, she compiled a list of 15 houses to show me in Cambridge/Belmont/Lexington. We crossed out Newton and Brookline since I want to be able to drive for less than 30 minutes to work. What’s impressive is how she’s made all the viewings into my tight schedule.
So I flew in red eye on a Friday morning, she came picked me up from Logan with donuts. We went through 8 houses that day, so as she say, give me an idea of how much money can buy in the three towns, their age, and their conditions. She saved a surprise for me on Saturday. We talked on my way to the hotel and discuss each house. I think she really looked at houses as she’s going to live there with her family. She’s very detailed: the lawn is not flat, I’d prefer a bigger yard, the street intersects with major traffic, etc. We narrowed the list down to two houses for that for a possible revisit. And then the surprise came the next day when she showed me the house I currently reside. She said this is the reason she called me asking me to fly here this week, because she think I’d love the house. And I did. It met all my expectations: in vicinity to high way, very quiet, great neighborhood, no traffic, new house with a lot of amenities included, very nice flat lawn for me to play in, anyway, just great. Then of course, I fell in love it and she scheduled a meeting for me to visit the house again when the builder is in, I asked quite a few questions and got very good response.
The next step is price negotiation and giving out offers. I was a newbie and she helped me to study the market, and really talk to the builder every day. A house like that gets multiple offers of course, and we are glad we made the decision to get the house we love and be $15,000 over the budget. I would definitely recommend Cindy to all my friends.

Cathy from Natick MA
We were looking for buying a home when we moved to Massachusetts a couple years ago. One of my former colleagues recommended Cindy. As a first time buyer, we had no clue where even to start. Cindy was very kind and patient. She helped us to go through the process step by step. We checked a few properties which were not ideal for us. Cindy was able to lay down the pros and cons for each property for our consideration. Finally, we found the property which met our needs. Cindy did a great job to negotiate the price and we got a pretty good deal. She helped us finding a lawyer quickly for closing. Since it was close to Christmas time, it was quite hard to find a lawyer in a short timeframe. With Cindy’s great help, we were able to move in before the New Year. We were so happy that we found our home within two months! We couldn’t get it done without Cindy’s great work! That was a fantastic experience working with Cindy. She is a down-to-earth person. You won’t be disappointed working with her. She will help you to find the home you’d love.

虹 from Wellesley
一个孩子放假的机会,我们全家来到了波士顿,因为只有3天时间,她提前把功课全做好了,给我们安排好住处,带我们买食物,紧接着就一家家的看房子,她还会帮客户考虑今后万一卖房子时候是不是好卖,虽然我们第一次见面,她的敬业精神让我非常信任她,很快就成了朋友,当时就看上了一个房子,回去之后我们开始着手办理一切事宜,在本人没在的情况下,她帮我做了所有的一切,这是非常难得的,我在温哥华十多年买过自住和投资房8~9个,也有4个房屋经纪人,他们也很好,有的也成了朋友,但没有一个比Cindy Cai更加可信的。

岚 from Cambridge
现在我又委托Cindy作为房屋的租赁中介处理有关房子的一切事务,因为我已把她当做一个非常值得信赖的朋友。总的来说,Cindy是一个十分热情、专业又值得信赖的房屋中介, 她具备了非常良好的职业素质和修养。


Servicing: Acton, Arlington, Ashby, Ashland, Ayer, Bedford, Belmont, Billerica, Boxborough, Burlington, Cambridge, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, Dracut, Dunstable, Everett, Framingham, Groton, Holliston, Hopkinton, Hudson, Lexington, Lincoln, Littleton, Lowell, Malden, Marlborough, Maynard, Medford, Melrose, Natick, Newton, North Reading, Pepperell, Reading, Sherborn, Shirley, Somerville, Stoneham, Stow, Sudbury, Tewksbury, Townsend, Tyngsborough, Wakefield, Waltham, Watertown, Wayland, Westford, Weston, Wilmington, Winchester, Woburn