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Rosemary Diskin, Broker
Diskin Realty
18 Appaloosa Lane
Hamilton, Ma 01982

Servicing the entire North Shore of Boston

Phone: 978-473-9456

Servicing the entire North Shore of Boston

Phone: 978-473-9456
Cell Phone: 978-473-9456
Email: rosemarydiskin@comcast.net

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I have a CRS designation (Certified Residential Specialist)
There are over one million REALTORSĀ® in business today. So if you want to find that one-in-a-million REALTORĀ®, start with the over 37,000 who hold the Certified Residential Specialist Designation. CRS is the symbol of excellence in residential real estate.
Rosemary Diskin 978-882-4346

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Servicing: Amesbury, Andover, Beverly, Beverly-Beverly Farms, Beverly-Briscoe, Beverly-Centerville (Bvly), Beverly-Prides Crossing, Boxford, Boxford-East Boxford, Boxford-West Boxford, Danvers, Essex, Georgetown, Gloucester, Gloucester-Magnolia, Groveland, Groveland-Groveland (village), Groveland-South Groveland, Hamilton, Hamilton-South Hamilton, Haverhill, Ipswich, Lawrence, Lynn, Lynnfield, Manchester, Marblehead, Marblehead-Marblehead Neck, Marblehead-Old Town, Merrimac, Methuen, Middleton, Nahant, Newbury, Newbury-Plum Island, Newburyport, North Andover, North Andover-Barker, North Andover-College, North Andover-Downtown, North Andover-Old Center, Peabody, Peabody-South Peabody, Peabody-West Peabody, Rockport, Rowley, Salem, Salisbury, Saugus, Swampscott, Topsfield, Wenham, West Newbury