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Sheri Sibley
VantagePoint Realty Advisors
22 Depot Street
Duxbury, MA 02332

Phone: 781-934-2588
Cell Phone: 781-258-7340
Fax: 781-934-2566
Email: sheri.sibley@evusa.com

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My background gives you the advantage! I have 8 years experience as a real estate appriaser. I have an in depth understanding of current market conditions that other do not.

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Servicing: Cohasset, Duxbury, Hanover, Hingham, Kingston, Marshfield, Norwell, Norwell-Accord, Pembroke, Pembroke-Bryantville, Pembroke-North Pembroke, Scituate, Scituate-Greenbush, Scituate-Minot, Scituate-North Scituate